What’s Shakin’ – 005 – 08/28/19

This Week (08/28/19) on What’s Shakin’ We Feature Super Sonic Space Rebels – The Red Diablos  – Confusionaires – Hideous Monster  & MORE! Confusionaires – https://confusionaires.com/ Super Sonic Space Rebels – https://supersonicspacerebels.bandcamp.com/ The Red Diablos – https://www.facebook.com/The-Red-DIablos-2114859572131801/The Writhers – https://thewrithers.bandcamp.com/ Hideous Monster – https://hideousmonster.bandcamp.com/

What’s Shakin’ – Ep 004 – 08/14/19

This Week (08/14/19) on What’s Shakin’ We Feature Go Go Killers , Hells Fire Sinners, Angry Johnny & Killer Tone Jones!! Go Go Killers – https://thego-gokillers.bandcamp.com/Mad Jack & The Hatters – https://madjackandthehatters.bandcamp.com/Preachers of Hell County – https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/PreachersofHellCountyKiller Tone Jones – https://www.facebook.com/killertonejones/Hells Fire Sinners – https://hellsfiresinners.bandcamp.com/Angry Johnny & The Killbillies – https://getangry.com

What’s Shakin’ – Ep 003 – 07/24/19

This Week (07/24/19) on What’s Shakin’ We Feature Blue Moon Boy , Toxens, Rampires & More!!! TOXENS – KIlljoy Records Preview – https://soundcloud.com/killjoy-records The Rampires – https://www.rampires.com/ Blue Moon Boy – https://bluemoonboy.bandcamp.com/ Sopapbox Saints – https://soapboxsaints.bandcamp.com/releases Thee Husk – https://theehusks.bandcamp.com/

What’s Shakin – Ep 002 – 07/10/19

This Week (07/10/19) on What’s Shakin’ We Feature Shame On Me M.T.S.P. / Trash Bats / Chris Rolling Squad and more Shame On Me M.T.S.P. – https://shameonmemtsp.bandcamp.com/Trash Bats – https://trashbats.bandcamp.com/THE MONSTROSITIES – https://themonstrositiespsycho.bandcamp.com/Tin Can Screamers – https://tincanscreamers.bandcamp.com/releases Chris Rolling Squad – https://chrisrolling.bandcamp.com/album/spitfire

Whats Shakin’ – Ep 001 – 06/23/19

our first show or Preview Episode coversThe Troubled / Diablo Records UK / Bat! and more The Troubled  – https://thetroubledpsycho.bandcamp.com/ Diablo Records – diablo records Greasy Gills – https://thegreasygills.bandcamp.com/album/the-spring-collection-ep Bat! – https://batofficialband.bandcamp.com/album/bat-music-for-bat-people The Rapids – https://spikeneil.bandcamp.com/album/rapids-the-demos-1983-84